2024雅思课程合集 - 盘火火
- file:语言写作工具箱.pdf
- file:(红宝书)俞敏洪雅思词汇词根+联想.pdf
- file:English Conversation Premium - Second Edition (Jean Yates) (z-lib.org)(4).pdf
- file:570 个英语学术核心词汇(AWL).pdf
- file:5天背完400组雅思阅读同义替换词.pdf
- file:填空题和听力题方法讲解带练.mp4
- file:何琼听力笔记.pdf
- file:雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法(新东方绿皮单词书).pdf
- file:剑桥雅思--写作高分范文.pdf
- file:14 老外每天在用的生活词汇.pdf
- file:7000雅思词汇用100个句子记完.pdf
- file:雅思核心语法基础版.pdf
- file:歪歪的漫画书-疯狂的雅思词汇.pdf
- file:Emma Ledden - The Presentation Book_ How To Create It, Shape It And Deliver It-Pearson Business (2017).pdf
- file:会让你在IELTS写作与口语考试中更像一个Native Speaker的纯正英式短语&英式句型1000条-PDF.pdf
- file:雅思G类阅读高频词汇.pdf
- file:《顾家北-高频词伙总结》.pdf
- file:语料库11章(17).pdf
- file:王陆语料库.pdf
- file:【王路807】雅思词汇听力篇.pdf
- file:雅思OG(1).PDF
- file:WritingT2评分标准.pdf
- file:IELTS Speaking band descriptors.pdf
- file:Oxford_Word_Skills_Intermediate_SB.pdf
- file:Oxford Word Skills Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.pdf
- file:【剑桥雅思语法】听力音频+PDF文本.rar
- file:Essential Grammar in Use with Answers, 4th Edition by Raymond Murphy (z-lib.org).pdf
- file:English vocabulary in use elementary 3th.pdf
- file:Cambridge Grammar for IELTS with Answers by Diana Hopkins, Pauline Cullen (z-lib.org).pdf
- file:Advanced Grammar in Use with Answers A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Advanced Learners of English by Martin Hewings (z-lib.org).pdf
- file:雅思阅读胜经—平行阅读法.pdf
- file:雅思一月通_阅读胜典 杨凡.pdf
- file:IELTS阅读分类词汇.pdf.pdf
- file:建议打印出来的雅思听力高频场景词.pdf
- file:1阅读技巧系列课:配对题精讲.mp4
- file:2口语技巧系列课:评分标准及四种答题法.mp4
- file:Word Power Made Easy (Norman Lewis) (z-lib.org)-2.pdf
- file:雅思小白3个月备考规划.pdf
- file:雅思考试复习计划30天冲7.0.pdf
- file:雅思复习(8周)计划表.pdf
- file:雅思3个月备考计划(1)(3).docx
- file:26天雅思备考方案.pdf
- file:学员定制学习计划.docx
- folder:2024雅思课程合集
- folder:G类资料
- folder:顾家北系列
- folder:雅思彩色词汇表
- folder:Grammar in Use 系列: 全英文
- folder:安娜口语素材
- folder:《口语场景图文学习教科书》旧版+新版
- folder:剑雅真题【4-19】
- folder:剑雅4-18压缩包
- folder:Collins 系列
- folder:Simon全系列
- folder:24年5-8月题库
- folder:历年雅思大作文真题
- folder:句子翻译练习
- folder:口语真实模拟考试
- folder:Taking sides 系列
- folder:101 essays
- folder:09 101 Essays that will Change the Way You Think(中英两版)
- folder:顾家北手把手教你雅思词伙
- folder:观点库英文更新
- folder:雅思王听力真题速成(剑14版)
- folder:王陆语料库剑11版
- folder:807词汇精讲最新版(听力)
- folder:王陆807雅思词汇听力篇 (音频)
- folder:语料库excel表
- folder:刘洪波阅读真经训练营+音频
- folder:22年9-12月Anna口语题库答案素材
- folder:23年5-8月Anna安小雅口语素材(更新中)
- folder:安娜雅思口语素材 Part 3
- folder:九分达人阅读+听力全套
- folder:9分达人口语系列(有音频)
- folder:9分达人写作真题还原及解析1-4
- folder:剑1-剑16同义词替换PDF
- folder:【剑雅19】真题+音频
- folder:真题精讲(剑4-剑16)
- folder:Simon's Writing
- folder:Simon大小作文范文+万能句式
- folder:【2024版全新49集】雅思前考官Simon雅思网课附带讲义和教材!新增雅思作文观点库带记教程!
- folder:simon Speaking
- folder:2024年1-4月口语题库 完整题库
- folder:雅思写作100句(含答案)
- folder:雅思写作的十二大万能理由
- folder:2022年雅思全年写作机经
- folder:词汇真经带读视频
- folder:《雅思词汇真经》高清PDF+音频MP3
- folder:雅思阅读真经总纲
- folder:慎小巍十天突破雅思系列(剑14版)
- folder:慎小嶷系列(10天突破雅思口语 写作 含光盘内容)
- folder:7天课前练习纯文件
- folder:3天短语搭配练习
- folder:课件,资料,公告,素材等
- folder:【Part2素材】
- folder:9-12月p1-p3素材
- folder:杨帅教你900句口语
- folder:【背三句标注】
- folder:【2023】9-12月杨帅口语题库(无答案)
- folder:2-考官Simon的G类课程全套
- folder:1-雅思真题G类
- folder:0-G类雅思介绍
- folder:【听力音频】剑桥雅思真题配套听力音频
- folder:真题速成音频(吐血整理)
- folder:王陆真题速成音频
- folder:Chapter 3 雅思听力特别名词语料库
- folder:Chapter 11 综合测试
- folder:语料库练习模板(最新)
- folder:10 其他重要词汇
- folder:chapter9-娱乐活动
- folder:9分达人阅读解析1-7 正文无水印
- folder:2022_08_16_lADPJvuS0Qdp6BTNBOHNA7M_947_1249
- folder:剑雅17 精讲视频解析
- folder:Simon Writing(字幕版)
- folder:Simon Videos Course Task 2
- folder:Bonus
- folder:Reading 字幕版
- folder:24年第一季度紧急预测题库
- folder:02 第二部分
- folder:03 Achievement Test
- folder:听力考点词真经音频
- folder:写作完整真题库和6-9分范文(剑14版)
- folder:雅思官方考试当日流程图
- folder:work or studies
- folder:weather
- folder:saving money
- folder:transportation
- folder:rainy days
- folder:sunglasses
- folder:physical exercise
- folder:music
- folder:morning routine
- folder:hometown
- folder:foreign food
- folder:drinking water
- folder:cooking
- folder:180918I
- folder:跟Simon学雅思书籍汇总
- folder:1.2【精讲】剑桥雅思真题精讲G类
- folder:17听力音频
- folder:新建文件夹
- folder:附录1:全书词伙分类列表
- folder:“5+1”训练法《剑9》
- folder:雅思王听力真题“5+1”训练法-英音训练版
- folder:雅思听力注意事项
- folder:Chapter 8 雅思听力生存语料库 语法错觉-特殊语料
- folder:07 语料训练 6:专业
- folder:语料训练 2:字母和数字
- folder:第二部分 分段测试词汇 section 3
- folder:zhangjie笔记
- folder:(正在更新)第1套 简单版串联(10个故事)
- folder:让你开心的照片成功商人有用的广告
- folder:聚会擅长说中文的外国人
- folder:感觉累的活动糟糕服务电脑罢工
- folder:学校工作中的重要规则 一起学习工作的成功人士
- folder:好的人生变化等待美好事情好建议
- folder:城里的公园或花园有趣的地方美丽城市
- folder:一幅画想见有趣的人
- folder:感兴趣的科学领域想法有趣的人
- folder:克服困难而自豪钦佩的运动员
- folder:一同参加的兴奋活动喜欢烹饪的人
- folder:等待美好事情
- folder:有用的广告
- folder:感兴趣的历史时期
- folder:家中重要物品
- folder:好的人生变化
- folder:不喜欢做的工作
- folder:能说会道的人
- folder:改善的公共设施
- folder:帮助学习工作的事
- folder:学校工作中的重要规则
- folder:和老人的有趣谈话
- folder:Travelling
- folder:Tea and coffee
- folder:social media
- folder:Memory
- folder:HomeAccommodation
- folder:Helping others
- folder:Collecting things
- folder:Video games
- folder:The area you live in
- folder:Musical instruments
- folder:Crowded place
- folder:Advertisement
- folder:看过并想尝试的运动
- folder:经常拍照的地方
- folder:空气糟糕之地
- folder:爱豆的电影角色
- folder:未来想学的学科
- folder:描述一种植物
- folder:投诉并得到满意结果
- folder:开学第一天
- folder:居住地发展
- folder:喜欢的照片&画
- folder:喜欢买便宜货的人
- folder:和别人一起做的事
- folder:06 Unit Six
- folder:4. 第五章 剑桥雅思听力核心词及考点词清单
- folder:6. 附录 全书词汇总表
- folder:2. 第三章 剑桥雅思听力不规则动词听音表
- folder:P2-新题
- folder:P2-your favorite song
- folder:P2-something you own that you want to replace
- folder:P2-the time when you got your first cellphone
- folder:P2-something interesting that your friend has done but you haven’t done
- folder:P2-something important that you lost
- folder:P2-someone you haven’t seen before but would like to know more about
- folder:P2-an occasion where you wore something special
- folder:P2-an interesting talk or lecture
- folder:P2-an important stage of a plant’s growth
- folder:P2-a website you like
- folder:P2-something given to you that you really needed
- folder:P2-someone who is talkative
- folder:P2-a useful skill that you learned from a math class
- folder:P2-an important decision made with the help of other people
- folder:P2-an activity you like to do when you are alone in your free time
- folder:P2-a trip that you went on by public transport
- folder:P2-a time you borrowed something from your friends or family
- folder:P2-an interesting person you would like to meet
- folder:P2-a time that you looked for information from the Internet
- folder:P2-a time when you received money as a present
- folder:P2-a time when you had to change your mind or plan
- folder:P2-a time that you were shopping in a street market
- folder:P2-a time that a piece of equipment of yours was broken
- folder:P2-a skill that took you a long time to learn
- folder:P2-a sport that you have watched before and would like to try
- folder:P2-a quiet place you found
- folder:P2-a popular comic actor or actress you know
- folder:P2-a place which is easy for you to study
- folder:p2-a place that is far from your home that you would like to travel to
- folder:P2-a person who helps to protect the environment
- folder:P2-a party you went to
- folder:P2-a language you would like to learn (not English)
- folder:P2-a good law in your country
- folder:P2-a game that you played in your childhood
- folder:P2-a film or tv program that made you laugh
- folder:P2-a family business you know
- folder:P2-a competition you would like to take part in
- folder:P2-a childhood friend of yours
- folder:P2-a book you read recently
- folder:P2-an application(program)you usually use on your phone or computer
- folder:P2-someone or something that made a lot of noise
- folder:P2-a place you visited that has been affected by pollution
- folder:P2-a risk you have taken which had a positive result
- folder:P2-a mistake you have made
- folder:P2-a place where you are able to relax
- folder:P2-a large company that you are interested in
- folder:P2-a friend who is a good leader
- folder:P2-a film that made you think a lot
- folder:P2-a family member you spend the most time with
- folder:P2-a dinner that you really enjoyed
- folder:P1-tidiness
- folder:P1-stay up late
- folder:P1-newspapers and magazines
- folder:P1-meeting new people
- folder:P1-discussion
- folder:P1-borrowing and lending
- folder:simon 9 分范文 重要!
- folder:《剑9》Test 3
- folder:刘洪波阅读9分真经班
- folder:第2套 P2 简单版串联(学生党)
- folder:(待更新)Part1 音频
- folder:Part2 音频(第1套)
- folder:01:Work and Study
- folder:《9分达人雅思听力真题还原及解析6》MP3音频文件
- folder:9. 剑12
- folder:04 作业本音频及练习
- folder:03 雅思写作常考话题高频短语速查手册 音频文件
- folder:02 十天突破雅思写作 音频文件
- folder:05 IELTS写作答题纸
- folder:高频词汇短语速查手册
- folder:04 Day 9 Part 3 深入讨论的结构和实例
- folder:01 Day 6 练出decent的发音
- folder:Day9 犯罪类范文
- folder:Day4 政府,社会和全球化范文
- folder:英音(点式听力+复数听写+点睛训练)Test 4
- folder:美音(点精训练)Test 1
- folder:02:Where you live(New)
- folder:《9分达人雅思听力真题还原及解析2》重点词汇及其相关拓展(Test 1-6独立音频文件)
- folder:sub_question
- folder:01 针对28类常考话题的加分短语
- folder:02 小作文的高频短语翻译练习——速查手册Part 3
- folder:01 Day 7 120急救短语和扩展短语
- folder:02 Day 9 小作文介绍数据或者描述变化趋势的常用词汇和短语
- folder:P2-a happy experience you had before
- folder:P2-a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result
- folder:4346-Describe a
- folder:4509-What shoul
- folder:4507-Is it nece
- folder:4505-Do people_
- folder:4243-Why do som
- folder:4241-Do you thi
- folder:1331-How can pe
- folder:1329-.What are_
- folder:1327-Does histo
- folder:4249-Are most p
- folder:4245-On what oc
- folder:4312-Are there_
- folder:1471-Should eve
- folder:1469-How do you
- folder:1281-Can clothi
- folder:1280-Where and_
- folder:1666-Who are sm
- folder:1665-Are childr
- folder:1663-Is there a
- folder:4204-Who can ad
- folder:4295-Have you e
- folder:4442-Can Al imp
- folder:4438-Do Chinese
- folder:4320-Is talent_
- folder:4592-Does a tea
- folder:4434-Spending t
- folder:4588-Is a publi
- folder:4555-Please des
- folder:4306-Which is m
- folder:4459-Why can't_
- folder:4466-Has old pe
- folder:4568-Would peop
- folder:96-Is your wo
- folder:111-What kinds
- folder:4185-When was t
- folder:2787-Did you en
- folder:4277-How often_
- folder:66-What’s y
- folder:57-How long h
- folder:52-Where's yo
- folder:4174-Is fishing
- folder:Day 7 短语翻译练习答案
分享时间 | 2024-09-04 |
入库时间 | 2024-09-05 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 你的*友 |